“THE EASTER SUNDAY MASSACRE” and More True Paranormal Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives Image

“THE EASTER SUNDAY MASSACRE” and More True Paranormal Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

29 June - 2 hours 12 mins
Podcast Series Weird Darkness: Stories of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Legends, Lore, Mysterious, Macabre, Unsolved

IN THIS EPISODE: Author Troy Taylor tells us about the horrors and hauntings of a murderous nightmare, taking place on the holiest day of the year. (“Easter Sunday Massacre”) *** Two young boys find a bloody shirt on a stone on the side of the road – and it leads to details of one of the most brutal murders in the history of Massachusetts. (“Massachusetts Butchery”) *** Why would a mother tell her daughter to never wander in their own backyard? (“Displaced Entities”) *** The true story of an actor who lost his fortune, his life, and his head. (“The Headless Ghost of St. Paul’s Chapel”) *** It probably comes as no surprise that nursing homes can be haunted. A Certified Nurse Assistant tells u...

2 hours 12 mins

Series Episodes



HOUR ONE: Did lost cosmonauts make it into space before Yuri Gagarin? (The Tombs in Space) *** Don't take a gift from Gracie Watson's grave... or her life-like statue might cry tears of blood. (Gracie’s Ghost) *** Did Bonnie Scott run away? Was she kidnapped? Murdered perhaps? All anyone knew was that no one had a clue where she was. She had simply disappeared without a trace. (The Murder of Bonnie Leigh Scott) *** A latchkey kid comes home to an empty house… or so they thought until they heard footsteps in another room. (The Laundry Room) ========== HOUR TWO: Just because the Ouija board is made by a board game manufacturer does not mean it should be treated like a toy – as many have discovered. *** The similar game, Charlie Charlie seems more innocent – but is so dangerous that in one school where children were playing it, they had to call in an exorcist. *** And you never know when playing any of these types of games what kind of spirit you might be inviting into our realm – but I can tell you this…. It’s never good. They might pretend to be good, but that’s far from the truth. And one particular demon has found notoriety through the Ouija board community, a demon you don’t want to risk opening a door for. It’s name is Zozo. ========== SUDDEN DEATH OVERTIME: People often encounter strange and frightening things when they experience sleep paralysis – but in one particular story, the horrors began well before going to bed. (Sleep Paralysis in Bangkok) *** Samuel Joselyn was buried in 1810 in a North Carolina cemetery.  Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Samuel was actually DEAD at the time of his burial! (Buried Alive in Wilmington) *** in 1894 Rosa Lochner was a witness to murder, but she had been deaf since birth and her spoken vocabulary was limited. So how could she testify against the accused? (Murder In Pantomime) *** A boy wakes to find his previously closed curtains now open – and the only explanation involves a previous resident of the house he’s now living in. (Strange Manifestations) *** Mention the word “Chupacabra” and most people will think of a strange, hairless dog-like animal. They are never described as having the ability to fly… until now. (Winged Chupacabras) *** These UFOs aren’t shiny metallic discs or cigar-shaped spaceships. They are humanoid – and they fly without the help of a jetpack, wings, cape or even a broom to sit on. And the sightings are still coming in all throughout Mexico. (The Flying Humanoids of Mexico) *** The North Carolina Cherokee have a story about how dangerous it can be even near a calm river – where the waters can suddenly foam and a giant beast can appear on the rocks. (James and the Giant Leech) *** Supernatural women, shadowy men, odd animal sightings, and more… they can all be found at late-night truck stops if you’re not careful. (Truck Stop Horror Stories) ========== SOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM TONIGHT’S SHOW: “Charlie Charlie” https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/ydpwych9, and “Ouija Boards” https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/mzyfmweeby Jacob Shelton for Graveyard Shift “ZoZo the Ouija Board Demon” by Maggie Clendenin for Ranker: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/xtc8x9pe “The Tombs in Space” posted at The Unredacted: http://ow.ly/nW5U30mwbWw “Gracie’s Ghost” by Gary Sweeney for The Line Up: http://ow.ly/arFz30mwaLc “The Murder of Bonnie Leigh Scott” by Troy Taylor for American Hauntings Ink:

2 hours 51 mins

1 July Finished

The Roadhouse Requiem Case” #MurderNoir

The Roadhouse Requiem Case” #MurderNoir

THE TRUE CRIME CASE THIS STORY IS BASED ON: In the rough and tumble world of 1890s New Jersey, William H. Dunham, owner of two notorious roadhouses, meets a violent end. Known for his ill temper and jealousy, Dunham's life of debauchery and crime catches up with him on the night of December 23, 1891. After a drunken brawl with his wife, "Diamond Kate," and their hostler, Patrick Phelan, Dunham is found shot dead in his own establishment. Despite numerous enemies and a tumultuous personal life, the investigation into Dunham's murder stalls. The discovery of a clean, unfired revolver at the scene and various suspects, including rivals and jilted lovers, complicate the case. Multiple arrests and interrogations yield no conclusive answers, and the once-prominent roadhouse owner’s murder remains unsolved. SOURCES… http://www.murderbygaslight.com/2019/06/the-dunham-murder.html Music provided by Alibi Music Library = = = = = (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately.) = = = = = "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46 = = = = = WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness. = = = = = Originally aired: June 30, 2024 CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/the-roadhouse-requiem-case-murdernoir/

3 mins

1 July Finished

“EMAILS FROM THE DEAD” and More Terrifying True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

“EMAILS FROM THE DEAD” and More Terrifying True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

IN THIS EPISODE: A calm resident spirit suddenly begins making the children in one home sick. (Resident Spirit) *** The most sensational murder in 1930 revolved around the mob in Chicago… but the murder victim wasn’t a made man, it was a reporter from the Chicago Tribune. (Who Killed Jake Lingle?) *** In 1961, Joan Risch vanished from her Massachusetts home, leaving behind two children, a distraught husband, and a kitchen streaked with blood. (Blood On The Kitchen Floor) *** Imagine receiving an email from one of your closest friends talking about what happened just yesterday… but that friend who emailed you had died several months ago. (Emails From The Dead) *** Pregnancy and the paranormal. Are the two related? I’ll share four accounts from pregnant women who might have you believing there is a connection. (Pregnancy and the Paranormal) *** Why do some people dream about future events? Why are some dreams full of hidden meaning? Can some of our dreams be glimpses of events taking place in an alternate reality, a parallel Universe? (Are Dreams Glimpses Of a Parallel Universe?) *** Plus, a very creepy original story suggested to me by a fellow Weirdo, called “Happy Sun Daycare”. YOUTUBE CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS… 00:00:00.000 = Title Story Preview and Show Open 00:03:23.641 = Are Dreams Glimpses Of A Parallel Universe? 00:11:18.049 = Resident Spirit Giving Me a Heads Up 00:16:56.722 = Emails From The Dead 00:21:17.050 = Pregnancy And The Paranormal 00:29:22.015 = Who Killed Jack Lingle 00:53:31.526 = Blood On The Kitchen Floor 01:02:30.682 = Happy Sun Daycare (Short Horror Fiction) 01:26:07.037 = Show Close SOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM THE EPISODE… “Resident Spirit Giving Me a Heads Up” by SpiritWaiting for Your Ghost Stories: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/te4z639n “Who Killed Jake Lingle?” by Troy Taylor for American Hauntings: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/a7e74xy8 “Blood On The Kitchen Floor” by Gary Sweeney for The Line Up: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/4y3mhx4s “Emails From The Dead” by Les Hewitt for Paranorms: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/42f4rn6h “Pregnancy and the Paranormal” (link no longer available) “Are Dreams Glimpses Of A Parallel Universe?” by Ellen Lloyd for Message to Eagle:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/vay5md3a “Happy Sun Daycare” by Chelsea Adams: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/abw7j7xd Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library = = = = = (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.) = = = = = "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46 = = = = = WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness. = = = = = Originally aired: September, 2018 CUSTOM LANDING PAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/emails-from-the-dead/

1 hour 28 mins

1 July Finished

“THE UNSOLVED MYSTERY OF THE CIPHER IN THE CORN” And More True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

“THE UNSOLVED MYSTERY OF THE CIPHER IN THE CORN” And More True Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

IN THIS EPISODE: We explore the unsolved murder of Ricky McCormick, and the mysterious pages of code found in the dead man’s pocket after his body was discovered in St. Charles County, Missouri, in 1999. The FBI’s top cryptanalysts have appealed to the public for help deciphering the enigmatic scribbles—and you may hold the key. Plus, I’ll share stories that originally aired in 2016 – the first few months Weird Darkness even existed! Why? Just for nostalgia! SOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM THE EPISODE… “Cipher In The Corn” written by Stu Wahlin for Weird Darkness: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/hstndhs If you have info that could help solve the Ricky McCormick case, visit https://forms.fbi.gov/code; you can also write to: FBI Laboratory Cryptanalysis and Racketeering Records, Unit 2501 Investigation Parkway, Quantico VA 22135 - Attention: Ricky McCormick Case “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe “Dead Sleep” was written by Annie Wilder (From the book “House of Spirits and Whispers”) “Phone Call From The Dead” was written by Luisa, donated by MyHauntedLifeToo.com “The House By The Cemetery” was written by M.J. Hill “The Old Man” was submitted anonymously, donated by MyHauntedLifeToo.com Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library = = = = = (Over time links seen above may become invalid, disappear, or have different content. I always make sure to give authors credit for the material I use whenever possible. If I somehow overlooked doing so for a story, or if a credit is incorrect, please let me know and I will rectify it in these show notes immediately. Some links included above may benefit me financially through qualifying purchases.) = = = = = "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46 = = = = = WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness. = = = = = Originally aired: November, 2016 CUSTOM LANDING PAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/the-unsolved-mystery-of-the-cipher-in-the-corn/

1 hour 29 mins

1 July Finished

“The Devil Is a Liar – Here Are Some Lies He Might Be Telling You” #ChurchOfTheUndead

“The Devil Is a Liar – Here Are Some Lies He Might Be Telling You” #ChurchOfTheUndead

Hear previous messages and find our social media at https://WeirdDarkness.com/Church! Please share this podcast with your friends, family, and co-workers, and post a link to this episode in your own social media! Thank you, and God bless! MENTIONS, SOURCES, AND LINKS… https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/how-to-recognize-and-defeat-5-lies-the-enemy-wants-you-to-believe.html (Over time links can and may become invalid, disappear, or have different content.) === Darren Marlar is a licensed minister through the Universal Life Church: https://www.themonastery.org. Find his other podcast, Weird Darkness, in your favorite podcast app at https://weirddarkness.com/listen. “Church Of The Undead” theme music by Epidemic Sound. === "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46 === Find out how to escape eternal darkness at https://weirddarkness.com/eternaldarkness === Weird Darkness® and Church Of The Undead™ are trademarked. Copyright © 2024. === https://weirddarkness.com/the-devil-is-a-liar-here-are-some-lies-he-might-be-telling-you-churchoftheundead/

17 mins

30 June Finished

“SINISTER SECRETS OF THE SALLIE HOUSE” and More True Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

“SINISTER SECRETS OF THE SALLIE HOUSE” and More True Horror Stories! #WeirdDarkness #Darkives

IN THIS EPISODE: Can you perform an exorcism using your smartphone? The Catholic church now says you can! (Exorcism of Demons by Phone) *** Does the ghost of a murdered child haunt East Lake Park in Birmingham, Alabama? (Child of the Lake) *** A young female college student vanished into nowhere in December of 1946 and became a mystery that would haunt the sleepy town forever. (The Disappearance of Paula Jean Weldon) *** An elderly woman requests to be buried upon her death, but the family cremates her instead. And that is when the vampire arrived. (The Wallasey Vampire) *** Orbs, late-night taps on the window, shadow figures, and more haunt a new home. (Creepy Happenings In The Middle of the Night) *** John Kraft noticed the neighbors, the Jacob Wolf family, had left their laundry on the clothesline overnight and their horses untended. He went to investigate and stumbled into what might be the most horrific crime scene in North Dakota history. (The Wolf Family Murders) *** Was the creature real? Where was it hiding? Why had only some people seen it? The Snallygaster terrorized Maryland and Washington in the 1730s – and we begin there, first! (Surprising End To Legend Of The Snallygaster) *** Mainstream journalists, the Travel Channel, the History Channel and the Discovery Channel have all investigated a certain home in Atchison, Kansas due its paranormal activities. What secrets lie within the Sallie House? (Secrets of the Sallie House) *** How can thousands of people instantly vanish without a trace? (3,000 Soldiers Vanish Into Thin Air) *** A child’s mother slowly dies of lung cancer at home – then continues to live there after her passing. (Sounds In The Night) *** Was the death of Meriwether Lewis a murder or a suicide? This early 1800s mystery continues to baffle historians and detectives alike. (The Death of Meriwether Lewis) *** No one knows the motive of a mysterious murder that took place in 1866 New York. In fact, they still have no suspects. (A Mysterious Murder) *** The gift of a cross to protect a couple from a poltergeist, ends up creating more unusual events. (Poltergeist – The Disappearing Cross) SOURCES AND REFERENCES FROM THE EPISODE… “Surprising End to the Legend of the Snallygaster” by Ellen Lloyd for Ancient Pages:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/4mfk3kdw “Exorcism of Demons by Phone” from Earth Chronicles of Life: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/4y9x7v4w “Child of the Lake” from GhostsNGhouls.com (link no longer available) “The Disappearance of Paula Jean Weldon” by Doug MacGowan for Historic Mysteries:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/2b8ujh84 “The Wallasey Vampire” by Tom Slemen for Wirral Globe: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/c9p28b2u “Creepy Happenings in the Middle of the Night” by Malcolm Deanings for MyHauntedLifeToo.com:https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/jzbystwy “The Wolf Family Murders” by Troy Larson for Ghosts of North Dakota: https://weirddarkness.tiny.us/5xh9swyk “Sounds In The Night”: (written by an unknown author - link no longer available) “The Death of Meriwether Lewis” by Doug MacGowan for HistoricMysteries.com: http://bit.ly/30vvYZp “3,000 Soldiers Vanish Into Thin Air” by Ellen Lloyd for MessageToEagle.com:

1 hour 7 mins

30 June Finished


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