Today’s special? It's Donal Skehan
21 February - 1 hour 4 minsI meet a lot of very hard working people on this podcast and Donal Skehan must be up there with one of the hardest working of them all. He’s a true grafter and someone I really admire. After spending years in the music industry, and with a couple of Irish number 1s under his belt, Donal followed his lifelong passion for food and created a remarkable career for himself in that world. He has over 11 cookbooks, countless TV shows, a meal planning web platform (donalskitchen.com), a collab with Dunnes Stores and many others strings to his bow.
And on top of all that, Donal has recently become embroiled in a wonderfully frivolous and entertaining Eurosong feud, involving contenstent Samantha Mum...