Dr Mike Banna on Behaviour Change and Mental Health
10 June 2021 - 53 minsOn this episode I'm lucky to be joined by Dr Mike Banna. Personally, I really enjoy Mike's discussions online - he adds so much nuance and balance to very black or white conversations and this is no different!
I think Mike is a really great example of how weight loss is not ALWAYS a bad thing for people, while recognising the harm it has for others.

Why do people make ’excuses’?
In this podcast, I explore the reasons why people might make excuses or come up with reasons not to engage in health behaviours. Of course, people's reasons are valid, however we sometimes try and poke holes in the reasons. I wanted to dive into some of the deeper reasons why someone may, consciously or subconsciously, come up with a reason not to engage in a health behaviour. IG: @headfirst0 Website: www.headfirst.ie Podcast: The Head First Podcast
30 mins
19 March 2022 Finished

How To Break Binge Eating, with Dr. Jake Linardon
On this episode I speak to renowned Eating Disorder Researcher, Dr. Jake Linardon. We speak about binge eating treatment, diagnostic issues, sub clinical binge eating, weight loss and predictors of eating issues, amongst many others. Jake has been someone I've been wanting to speak to for a long, long time so I'm really excited to hear how this one goes! You can also reach Jake at his website www.breakbingeeating.com and his IG: @break.binge.eating IG: headfirst0 www.headfirst.ie joe@headfirst.ie
1 hour
18 October 2021 Finished

A Manual for Being Human, with Dr. Sophie Mort
In this episode I speak to Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sophie Mort, who speaks to me about emotions, the purpose of them, the importance of paying attention to them and also the harm in neglecting them. Sophie's book is called "A Manual for Being Human". Her book explores all aspects of life, from birth to where you are right now, giving us an entire foundation of understanding the human experience. joe@headfirst.ie
38 mins
22 July 2021 Finished

What is CBT? With Dr. Sara Oroz
On this episode, I speak to Dr Sara Oroz, a Counselling Psychologist who has completed a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology as well as a Masters in Advanced CBT. We dive into what Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is, and all you need to know about it! Honestly, this is one of my favourite episodes so far and is a wonderful answer to a lot of the questions I get about CBT! joe@headfirst.ie
47 mins
21 May 2021 Finished

Q of the Week - Weight & Binge Eating. What can I do?
This week, I'm answering a question that I received on Instagram. Q - I binge in response to weight gain. What can I do? A lot of people come to me and talk about weight loss and binge eating, and this episode dives into some of the topics we might discuss in sessions. For professional enquiries: www.headfirst.ie Instagram: @headfirst0 joe@headfirst.ie
21 mins
9 May 2021 Finished