The Changing Room - Episode 11
29 November 2019 - 35 minsPeople think journaling is not for everyone. Well, Niamh begs to differ!
Journaling IS for everyone, once you find the style that suits you and resonates
with you.
In Episode 10 of The Changing Room Podcast, Niamh tackles Melanie’s
resistance to Journaling. They discuss the various types of journaling, some of
which Melanie hadn’t heard before and the real and hidden benefits to
journaling. This podcast will help anyone struggling to begin journaling when
you have a blank page staring at you and a blank mind staring back.
Niamh believes in this practice so much, her dream is to get everyone
developing this into their Daily Practice!
By the end of this session Melanie is a convert!...

The Changing Room - Episode 13 ( New Year's Special with John Belton)
NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL EDITION OF THE CHANGING ROOM In this special episode, Niamh and Melanie are joined by John Belton, owner of @No17PersonalTraining, to share thoughts and ideas around goal setting for the new year. While Niamh & John work with people on quite different areas of their life, the common threads around mindset and attitude as well as their shared views on the importance of starting with your vision, your why as well as the power of visualisation and manifestation makes for a very powerful podcast and one that we will all benefit from listening to as we ease ourselves into this new decade. The Changing Room will be back in the New Year for Series 2! Happy New Year to you all! ? “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is more painful than staying stuck where we do not belong.” - NR Murphy
36 mins
1 January 2020 Finished

The Changing Room - Episode 12
THE CHANGING ROOM - EPISODE 12 12 WAYS TO CHRISTMAS There’s really only one subject on everyone’s mind at the moment and that’s Christmas. How can I survive it, how will I afford it, who should I spend it with and when on earth will it be over? In this week’s episode of The Changing Room, and the final podcast of Series 1 in 2019, Melanie and Niamh talk through their suggestions on the 12 WAYS TO CHRISTMAS! There’s something in here for everyone so consider it your very own survival guide for Christmas. We would also like to thank every single person who has listened to The Changing Room in 2019. It means so much to us to hear you are enjoying listening in on our conversations! We absolutely love recording these for you and we already have some great plans for our new episodes in 2020 so stay tuned! It’s not too late to get one of the remaining spaces at Niamh’s 2020 VISION Workshop in Dublin on January 11 th , 2020 http://bit.ly/Niamh2020
29 mins
13 December 2019 Finished

The Changing Room - Episode 10
Developing our intuition is a lifelong process but how can we fine tune it so that when it is speaking to us that we know how to listen? In this podcast, Melanie asks Niamh to explain how our intuition works, how we can identify its existence within us and wonders how we can differentiate between our intuition and our rational thinking. This episode also explores how can we use our intuition to help us when making decisions and that as we become to trust our ability to listen to it more it will serve us better. Our intuition is in fact the best compass we have if we just quieten and listen. Join Niamh and a group of like-minded women on Saturday, January 11th, 2020 In Dublin, for an intimate gathering at her 2020VISION Workshop where she will work you in designing your vision for the year ahead. Click on here to find out more. http://bit.ly/Niamh2020
26 mins
21 November 2019 Finished

The Changing Room - Episode 9
At this time of the year we start hearing people talking about the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions. Well, not on this podcast! In this episode, Melanie and Niamh chat about what we actually ‘should’ be doing as we roll in to end of the year. They discuss the fact that this time of year would be better used for looking back and letting go, in order to create more space for new possibilities. Then we can start the New Year creating our own personal Vision of where we want to move towards and then, and only then, the last step should be about setting out our goals. Niamh will be hosting her 2020 VISION Workshop on January 11 th , 2020. Limited places available so sign up now http://bit.ly/Niamh2020
32 mins
14 November 2019 Finished

The Changing Room - Episode 8 (Meditation)
In each of the podcasts to date Niamh has talked about the importance of meditating and how we should all try and incorporate at least a ten minute guided meditation into our day. To help she recorded this guided meditation for you which she believes will be enormously beneficial for anyone looking to slow down, to create space and make room in your minds. She has tailored this for anyone considering making a change in their lives. It’s short but it is effective. Try it and see and if you like it let Niamh know so she can record some more for you. Niamh Ennis, Transformation Coach is hosting her 2020 VISION One Day Workshop in Dublin, January 11th 2020. For more information and to book your space just click here http://bit.ly/Niamh2020
8 mins
8 November 2019 Finished