Stand Up Safari
Stand Up Safari tracks the journey of two lads, Liam Kelly and Colman Hayes, into the stand up comedy scene in Ireland.

Episode 16: Season One Finale
In the last episode of season one of Stand Up Safari, the lads discuss the reasons behind breaking the podcast into seasons, the journey so far, and some of the key things that they have learned along the way. Season two coming summer 2020. Huge thanks to everyone who has come on the Stand Up Safari with us so far! We are delighted with the number of folks who have listened and supported the show to date. One quick thing to note is that on this episode there is a reference to the corona virus which at the time of recording was not as serious as it has since become. If you wish to get in touch, our email is standupsafari@gmail.com Follow Colman on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/col2theman/ Subscribe to Colman's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJ_Vebnr-Y9t1fsHnn5LXA
37 mins
2 March 2020 Finished

Episode 15: I Had One Good Laugh, Back in September Last Year
explicitIn episode 15 of Stand Up Safari, the lads break down each other's set's from two recent Dublin open mic gigs. Colman mentions an upcoming Comedy Crunch gig in this episode. It was supposed to be taking place on February 20th. That gig has since been postponed and will take place on alternative date which, at the time of this episode's release, was not confirmed. If you wish to get in touch, our email is standupsafari@gmail.com Follow Colman on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/col2theman/ Subscribe to Colman's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJ_Vebnr-Y9t1fsHnn5LXA
44 mins
16 February 2020 Finished

Episode 14: That's Why Racists are so Good
explicitIn episode 14 of Stand Up Safari, the lads chat with Kerz, a fantastic young comic from Dublin (who has been mentioned a number of times on previous episodes). The conversation covers a lot of ground including ideas on audience interaction, work ethic and where it comes from and an interesting method of remembering your set. Kerz runs Dantes Comedy Club upstairs in the Bachelor Inn in Dublin along with another Dublin comic, Danny Balance. The club is on every Friday night at 8pm and is well worth checking out. For more info, see the following social media links: www.instagram.com/dantescomedyclub_dublin/ www.facebook.com/DantesComedyClub/ If you wish to get in touch, our email is standupsafari@gmail.com Follow Colman on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/col2theman/ Subscribe to Colman's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJ_Vebnr-Y9t1fsHnn5LXA
55 mins
2 February 2020 Finished

Episode 13: Next Week I Invented a Time Machine
explicitOn this week's episode of Stand Up Safari, the lads chat about political jokes, where past sets went wrong and how Billy Joel could have improved his classic song, Piano Man. If you wish to get in touch, our email is standupsafari@gmail.com Follow Colman on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/col2theman/
30 mins
19 January 2020 Finished

Episode 12: I Debased Myself Further than You Debased Me
explicitIn the first episode of 2020, the lads discuss the positives and potential negatives of putting sets up on YouTube, an interesting exercise that Colman undertook in acting class and how to deal with hecklers. If you wish to get in touch, please email us here: standupsafari@gmail.com You can follow Colman on Instagram here: https//www.instagram.com/col2theman Colman's YouTube Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJ_Vebnr-Y9t1fsHnn5LXA Liam's YouTube Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ZDFwfg2FBGoZbnRgMoU0w
40 mins
5 January 2020 Finished