Shared irresponsibilities and the importance of product privacy: Apple vs Microsoft - Mark Batchelor, Vibhuti Sinha, Chris Simmons, Gerry Gebel, Ajay Gupta, Tarvinder Sembhi - ESW #365
14 June - 2 hours 41 minsThis week, we've got data security being both funded AND acquired. We discuss Lacework's fall from unicorn status and why rumors that it went to Fortinet for considerably more than Wiz was willing to pay make sense.
Microsoft Recall and Apple Intelligence are the perfect bookends for a conversation about the importance of handling consumer privacy concerns at launch.
How can the Snowflake breach both be one of the biggest breaches ever, but also not a breach at all (for Snowflake, at least). It's time to have a conversation about shared responsibilities, and when the line between CSP and customer needs to shift.
The CSA's AI Resilience Benchmark leaves much to be desired (like, an actu...
Say Easy, Do Hard, Minimum Viable Security - Part 1 - Jon Fredrickson - BSW Vault
27 mins
23 December Finished
Dysentery, TP-Link, Piracy, Calendar Scams, Tencent, TikTok, Aaran Leyland and More.. - SWN #439
36 mins
20 December Finished
D3FEND 1.0: A Milestone in Cyber Ontology - Peter Kaloroumakis - ESW #388
1 hour 42 mins
20 December Finished
When Public Payphones Become Smart Phones - Inbar Raz - PSW #855
2 hours 47 mins
19 December Finished