Community Knowledge Sharing with CyberNest - Ben Siegel, Aaron Costello - ESW #379
11 October - 1 hour 53 minsFor this interview, Ben from CyberNest joins us to talk about one of my favorite subjects: information sharing in infosec. There are so many amazing skills, tips, techniques, and intel that security professionals have to share. Sadly, a natural corporate reluctance to share information viewed as privileged and private has historically had a chilling effect on information sharing.
We'll discuss how to build such a community, how to clear the historical hurdles with information sharing, and how to monetize it without introducing bias and compromising the integrity of the information shared.
Aaron was already a skilled bug hunter and working at HackerOne as a triage analyst at the time. Wha...
Dysentery, TP-Link, Piracy, Calendar Scams, Tencent, TikTok, Aaran Leyland and More.. - SWN #439
36 mins
20 December Finished
D3FEND 1.0: A Milestone in Cyber Ontology - Peter Kaloroumakis - ESW #388
1 hour 42 mins
20 December Finished
When Public Payphones Become Smart Phones - Inbar Raz - PSW #855
2 hours 47 mins
19 December Finished
NAC is Back - How Network Access Control Can Protect Your Remote Devices and Data - Rob Allen - BSW #376
55 mins
18 December Finished
Vogons, Task Scams, HiatusRat, Cellebrite, Deloitte, Quantum, Aaran Leyland, and More - SWN #438
40 mins
17 December Finished
Applying Usability and Transparency to Security - Hannah Sutor - ASW #311
1 hour 9 mins
16 December Finished