Susannah Toynbee-Clifton - Sobriety isn't the end, it's the beginning
18 January - 48 mins explicitSusannah @suzesober lives in West Berks, UK with her husband and their three young boys. She’s been sober since April 2022, after many years of attempted moderation and struggles around alcohol intake. In this episode, we talk about the dark places that alcohol can bring us to and the redemptive nature of going alcohol free. Susannah is incredibly honest and open and her story is incredibly inspirational.
Susannah is a mental health and sobriety advocate and was diagnosed with Complex PTSD, ADHD and has also had her own struggles with severe anxiety and depression which was her main drive to quit the booze for good. She’s a qualified sober and trauma coach and currently in her second year o...
Hans Wilhelm - The truth of who we truly are - awakening more purpose and meaning in our lives
explicit48 mins
16 February Finished

Laura Farrington - From Sober Curiosity to 100 Days Alcohol Free to Forever?
explicit1 hour
1 February Finished