Ep 69 casually quarantined with an army
1 April 2020 - 44 minsEp 69 casually quarantined with an army by Jen and Sophie

Pandemic Mothers AKA We're Worn Down To Nubs
Pandemic Mothers AKA We're Worn Down To Nubs by Jen and Sophie
44 mins
16 May 2021 Finished

Mop 72 – New Episode!!!! Bathroom Rollies
HEY pals!!!! This episode is from our subscriber-only feed, which we wanted to share with you guys just in case you might be on the verge of joining our listener-supported show and need a lil something to tip you over the edge! So from behind the safety of a paywall, we are now producing TWO shows a week – a full episode every Monday and a mini every Thursday for €4 a month. So it's basically 50p an episode for us to squabble over. If you fancy sampling the all-new episodes go to https://broadcast.talltales.ie/ to pledge your allegiance to MOP and sure if you hate it, you can always cancel!
59 mins
1 March 2021 Finished

Helloooo so we have good news and GOOD NEWS! We're back recording our new series of Mother Of Pod. We've missed talking shite about our kids, our other halves and the strangers who piss us off on the daily. We have a slightly new set up. We've partnered with Broadcast, Ireland's first streaming service powered with the support of listeners. So here's the deal: for €5 you get 6 new episodes every week for the next six weeks, plus an extra minisode every week. So that is essentially 12 episodes for a fiver ;) Whooopah So head to www.broadcast.talltales.ie to unlock the new series of Mother Of Pod. The first two episodes and a minisode are already there waiting for your earholes.
3 mins
10 November 2020 Finished

Ep 71 We celebrate our new overlord, the trampoline
Ep 71 We celebrate our new overlord, the trampoline by Jen and Sophie
39 mins
16 April 2020 Finished

Ep 70 Confusingly recorded pre Ep69 just to fuck with you
Ep 70 Confusingly recorded pre Ep69 just to fuck with you by Jen and Sophie
41 mins
8 April 2020 Finished