Psychedelics Expert: Can Microdosing Help the Body to Heal? Explore the Mental & Physical Health Benefits & How to Feel Better.
11 March - 1 hour 42 minsJames Fadiman, PhD (the "father" of modern microdosing) & Jordan Gruber, J.D., M.A. (coauthor of Microdosing for Health, Healing, and Enhanced Performance) are here to unlock the secrets of microdosing psychedelics! Learn how microdosing can dramatically enhance your creativity, your productivity, ease social anxiety, and even transform chronic pain, depression, and trauma. James and Jordan break down the benefits and risks of microdosing and how microdosing could really work for you. Discover the mind-blowing difference between microdosing and full psychedelic experiences, why psychedelics are often called "the most powerful substance for mental effects ever discovered," and the life-changi...

How Bird Flu Could Impact YOU: Virologist Explains the Risks, How to Protect Yourself, & Why Egg Prices are So High
1 hour 9 mins
7 March Finished

#1 Menopause Doctor: How to Lose Fat, Improve Sleep, & Feel Better Now
1 hour 21 mins
4 March Finished

Chelsea Handler on How to Make Drastic Changes, Accept Your Mistakes, and What Turning 50 Means to Her!
1 hour 4 mins
25 February Finished

You Might Be Codependent. Learn How to Set Boundaries & Build Healthy Relationships!
55 mins
21 February Finished