![Anjelah Johnson-Reyes: Trauma Brought The Gift of Help Image](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2ltYWdlLnNpbXBsZWNhc3RjZG4uY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC84OTBiNzc3Ny1kYWQzLTRlOTMtOWI3OC1iM2EzNGQ3OTFkZjJcXFwvYjE2ZjliMDItY2QyZi00YWRhLTljM2EtNTY3MWNmMzY4OTI0XFxcLzMwMDB4MzAwMFxcXC90aHVtYi1sYWJlbGVkLWFqci5qcGc_YWlkPXJzc19mZWVkXCIsXCJ3aWR0aFwiOjI4MCxcImhlaWdodFwiOjI4MCxcImRlZmF1bHRcIjpcImh0dHBzOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LmdvbG91ZG5vdy5jb21cXFwvaW1hZ2VzXFxcL2xvZ28uc3ZnXCIsXCJvcHRpb25zXCI6W119IiwiaGFzaCI6IjRmNjAzYjZiY2RhYTRiN2M3MWE2YmNiYzNmNDIyNTNjY2U5OWI2M2QifQ==/anjelah-johnson-reyes-trauma-brought-the-gift-of-help.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
Anjelah Johnson-Reyes: Trauma Brought The Gift of Help
7 February 2023 - 1 hour 37 minsAnjelah Johnson-Reyes (stand-up comedian, actress, author) discusses her journey from professional cheerleader to stand up comedy, the benefits of aligning with your intuition, and how she was able to work through physical and emotional trauma with her dad. She opens up about relying on God to reveal her path in life, how her family’s fear about not fitting into American culture kept her from exploring her heritage, and the mindblowing paranormal experience that put her supernatural podcast on hiatus. Mayim and Anjelah recount going on a USO tour together. They consider the difficulty of breaking family patterns, the benefits of assessing practical outcomes for anxiety-inducing situations, a...
![Microplastics: The Health Effects & Risk. Get Rid of These Common Household Products Now!](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2ltYWdlLnNpbXBsZWNhc3RjZG4uY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC84OTBiNzc3Ny1kYWQzLTRlOTMtOWI3OC1iM2EzNGQ3OTFkZjJcXFwvZTI1YzUwNmMtNmZhYy00N2IwLWE3ZWQtOWJmYzIwODY5NjYyXFxcLzMwMDB4MzAwMFxcXC9wbGFzdGljLTIwYXVkLTIwMy0yMC12MS5qcGc_YWlkPXJzc19mZWVkXCIsXCJ3aWR0aFwiOjgwLFwiaGVpZ2h0XCI6ODAsXCJkZWZhdWx0XCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5nb2xvdWRub3cuY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC9sb2dvLnN2Z1wiLFwib3B0aW9uc1wiOltdfSIsImhhc2giOiI2MGE0MzVjZjI0NmM0YWZiNDlmYjQ0Y2QzYTdmOWYwMzUwOGJjNjQyIn0=/microplastics-the-health-effects-risk-get-rid-of-these-common-household-products-no.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
Microplastics: The Health Effects & Risk. Get Rid of These Common Household Products Now!
Dr. Roger Seheult is quadruple board-certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, and Sleep Medicine through the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Seheult joins our MBB Report to break down the prevalence of microplastics and nanoplastics in our oceans, our drinking water, our clothes, our make up and our food, and help you understand what that means for your health. He shares the science behind leaching, when the forever chemicals in plastics seep into your food and your body. Dr. Seheult explains that the misleading term "BPA-Free" does NOT mean something is free of harmful chemicals, and how loopholes in regulations mean BPA-like chemicals are still in most common household products. Mayim and Jonathan tackle the different ways YOU can take actionable steps to decrease the amount of microplastics in your home and in your body. WATCH NOW to uncover the horrifying reality of microplastics and nanoplastics and how you can better protect yourself against them!
56 mins
7 February Finished
![3 Words that Help Handle Any Problem: How to Ask the Universe for Guidance....and Receive Clear Answers!](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2ltYWdlLnNpbXBsZWNhc3RjZG4uY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC84OTBiNzc3Ny1kYWQzLTRlOTMtOWI3OC1iM2EzNGQ3OTFkZjJcXFwvMDk0NjBiN2MtYjhmZS00ZDk3LTg1NWEtMDI0MmE2Mjk2N2U4XFxcLzMwMDB4MzAwMFxcXC9tYmItdGh1bWJuYWlsLXNnLmpwZz9haWQ9cnNzX2ZlZWRcIixcIndpZHRoXCI6ODAsXCJoZWlnaHRcIjo4MCxcImRlZmF1bHRcIjpcImh0dHBzOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LmdvbG91ZG5vdy5jb21cXFwvaW1hZ2VzXFxcL2xvZ28uc3ZnXCIsXCJvcHRpb25zXCI6W119IiwiaGFzaCI6IjA4OWViN2RkN2JjNWIzODE5YTI1YTEwYTRmN2RjZDgwZTAxZjIxOWIifQ==/3-words-that-help-handle-any-problem-how-to-ask-the-universe-for-guidance-and-recei.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
3 Words that Help Handle Any Problem: How to Ask the Universe for Guidance....and Receive Clear Answers!
Suzanne Giesemann, psychic medium, metaphysical teacher, & expert on spiritual growth, shares how the devastating death of her stepdaughter, struck by lightning while pregnant, became the catalyst for her spiritual awakening. Discover how she tapped into her intuition to communicate with the departed, and learn the shocking difference between true intuitive insights and simply making things up. Suzanne also reveals the mind-blowing moment that proved to her beyond a doubt that another realm exists—and why everyone has the potential to access it. Plus, find out how tapping into a higher consciousness can not only transform your life but offer powerful physiological benefits! Don’t miss this opportunity to explore spiritual growth, mediumship, and the power of psychic insight!
1 hour 53 mins
4 February Finished
![Believe in Your Dreams, Set Intentions, and Manifestation to Change Your Life Now with Jennifer Love Hewitt](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2ltYWdlLnNpbXBsZWNhc3RjZG4uY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC84OTBiNzc3Ny1kYWQzLTRlOTMtOWI3OC1iM2EzNGQ3OTFkZjJcXFwvYTg4YThkMmYtZDE4MS00YzE4LThlZjMtMWU2ZDg0MGQ3MGU2XFxcLzMwMDB4MzAwMFxcXC9tYmItdGh1bWJuYWlsLWpsaC5qcGc_YWlkPXJzc19mZWVkXCIsXCJ3aWR0aFwiOjgwLFwiaGVpZ2h0XCI6ODAsXCJkZWZhdWx0XCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5nb2xvdWRub3cuY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC9sb2dvLnN2Z1wiLFwib3B0aW9uc1wiOltdfSIsImhhc2giOiJjM2VkNmNjMjFhYTdjODcyZGRmOGViNmI5ZjZmNmEzMDRhOTEwNGNkIn0=/believe-in-your-dreams-set-intentions-and-manifestation-to-change-your-life-now-wit.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
Believe in Your Dreams, Set Intentions, and Manifestation to Change Your Life Now with Jennifer Love Hewitt
Jennifer Love Hewitt is an actress, producer and singer known for her work on “Ghost Whisperer,” “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and “Party of Five.” She began her career as a child appearing in the Disney Channel Series, “Kids Incorporated.” Jennifer and Mayim reveal never before heard moments on their shared early life in 90s movies and TV shows, the profound connection Jennifer still feels with her late mother, and how manifestation is a helpful practice for her family.
1 hour 45 mins
28 January Finished
![Astrology in 2025: Key Predictions, Mars Retrograde, and What Risks & Opportunities the Stars Reveal, with the AstroTwins](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2ltYWdlLnNpbXBsZWNhc3RjZG4uY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC84OTBiNzc3Ny1kYWQzLTRlOTMtOWI3OC1iM2EzNGQ3OTFkZjJcXFwvYTQyODMyNzMtOTk2My00ODEzLWFjZWUtOWIyNzBmYTBjOWNhXFxcLzMwMDB4MzAwMFxcXC9hc3Ryb3Rpd25zLTIwLTMwMDB4MzAwMC0yMHRodW1ibmFpbC5qcGc_YWlkPXJzc19mZWVkXCIsXCJ3aWR0aFwiOjgwLFwiaGVpZ2h0XCI6ODAsXCJkZWZhdWx0XCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5nb2xvdWRub3cuY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC9sb2dvLnN2Z1wiLFwib3B0aW9uc1wiOltdfSIsImhhc2giOiI1OGQ5ZWZlYTkzZmRhMDFkNmVlNGFmMWMzYWJmMDQzZGFjYWUzOTNlIn0=/astrology-in-2025-key-predictions-mars-retrograde-and-what-risks-opportunities-the-.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
Astrology in 2025: Key Predictions, Mars Retrograde, and What Risks & Opportunities the Stars Reveal, with the AstroTwins
Renowned Astrologers The AstroTwins are back with their 2025 Predictions! Could Astrology have predicted the LA fires? Was the president destined to be re-elected? What are the best times to find LOVE or change your CAREER? Big world shifts are happening in 2025. From multiple Mars Retrogrades to patterns that haven't repeated since 1700 and 1940! We're diving into the most mind-blowing astrological insights that will shape your 2025. Find out what the planets have in store for love, peace, and even war. And discover how can astrology become your spiritual technology for making game-changing decisions. Plus, find out which colors, cosmic events, and shifts will bring positive transformations to your life next month. Don’t miss this MUST-LISTEN astrology forecast—your future is written in the stars!
38 mins
24 January Finished
![Dr. Martha Beck (Oprah's Life Coach): I Nearly Died so I Stopped Lying. Surprising Way to Overcome Childhood Trauma, Stop Anxiety, Increase Intuition, and Finally Heal!](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL2ltYWdlLnNpbXBsZWNhc3RjZG4uY29tXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC84OTBiNzc3Ny1kYWQzLTRlOTMtOWI3OC1iM2EzNGQ3OTFkZjJcXFwvZjRkOWYwZmYtODFhZi00YzUwLTgyMGQtMTZhM2M1MTI2ZDk2XFxcLzMwMDB4MzAwMFxcXC9tYmItdGh1bWJuYWlsLW1iLmpwZz9haWQ9cnNzX2ZlZWRcIixcIndpZHRoXCI6ODAsXCJoZWlnaHRcIjo4MCxcImRlZmF1bHRcIjpcImh0dHBzOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LmdvbG91ZG5vdy5jb21cXFwvaW1hZ2VzXFxcL2xvZ28uc3ZnXCIsXCJvcHRpb25zXCI6W119IiwiaGFzaCI6IjU2MzIxNDJlNmMzMmE0MjFiZDI1MjhjYmMyNzk4N2I3ZjkwMDdkZjcifQ==/dr-martha-beck-oprah-s-life-coach-i-nearly-died-so-i-stopped-lying-surprising-way-t.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
Dr. Martha Beck (Oprah's Life Coach): I Nearly Died so I Stopped Lying. Surprising Way to Overcome Childhood Trauma, Stop Anxiety, Increase Intuition, and Finally Heal!
Surprising Way to Overcome Trauma, Stop Anxiety, and Finally Heal! Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D, a Harvard-educated sociologist, NYT bestselling author & Oprah’s life coach is the leading authority on personal growth, resolving childhood trauma and fixing anxiety. Dr. Beck uncovers the link between stress and disease and provides practical tools and strategies to fix anxiety, overcome illness, and unlock your hidden power. Her cutting-edge techniques with foundations in CBT, somatic experiencing, sociology, and psychology will help you BREAK FREE to live your authentic life! She also explains How Trauma Hijacks Your Body (including how your body can distinguish between old trauma & new experiences, and what you can do to heal it), the Physical Dangers of Lying (Spoiler Alert: Your muscles literally weaken when you’re not honest!), and How to Heal Spiraling Anxiety - why creativity is the key to calming your mind & boosting your mental health! Dr. Beck also breaks down: - Her near-death experience & how she harnesses the feelings of love and happiness she experienced – anytime, anywhere - Her incredible psychic experiences, including her mind-blowing “remote viewing” abilities - Surprising connection between healing trauma and increasing your intuition Don't miss this chance to transform your life with powerful insights & practical tips to get in touch with your body and heal TODAY!
2 hours 1 min
21 January Finished
![LA is Burning: What Happened? The Devastating Impact of Climate Change & Could It Be Avoided?](https://img.resized.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/la-is-burning-what-happened-the-devastating-impact-of-climate-change-could-it-be-av.jpg?aid=rss_feed)
LA is Burning: What Happened? The Devastating Impact of Climate Change & Could It Be Avoided?
Jonathan Vigliotti is an Emmy-winning CBS news correspondent based in Los Angeles and previously served as a foreign correspondent for CBS’s London Bureau. He’s reported on sight for Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash, the Syrian civil war and recently authored the book, “Before It’s Gone: Stories from the Front Lines of Climate Change in Small Town America.” Jonathan Vigliotti discusses What REALLY went wrong during the LA wildfires. From residents ignoring warnings to Mayor Karen Bass being out of the country, Jonathan helps break down how LA’s leadership failed when it mattered most. He shares first responders' panic-filled experiences on the frontlines of the Pacific Palisades fire, the shocking impact of budget cuts to firefighters, and how false evacuation alerts left residents in chaos. Mayim and Jonathan tackle why LA’s emergency response fell apart, how environmental policies might be making things worse, and the critical changes needed to prevent future disasters. WATCH NOW to uncover the devastating reality and what must change to protect LA’s future.
56 mins
17 January Finished