![More Happier: Very First Episode [Revisited] Image](https://img.resized.co/shuffle/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5vbW55Y29udGVudC5jb21cXFwvZFxcXC9jbGlwc1xcXC83OTY0NjlmOS1lYTM0LTQ2YTItODc3Ni1hZDBmMDE1ZDZiZWJcXFwvZTFiMjJkMGItNjk3NC00YmI4LTgxYmEtYjI0ODAxMTk5ODNjXFxcLzRjNGI0YmU2LTk3MWItNGExZS1hZTllLWIyN2IwMTBlN2ZkNFxcXC9pbWFnZS5qcGc_dD0xNzQwOTc3Mzk4JnNpemU9TGFyZ2VcIixcIndpZHRoXCI6MjgwLFwiaGVpZ2h0XCI6MjgwLFwiZGVmYXVsdFwiOlwiaHR0cHM6XFxcL1xcXC93d3cuZ29sb3Vkbm93LmNvbVxcXC9pbWFnZXNcXFwvbG9nby5zdmdcIixcIm9wdGlvbnNcIjpbXX0iLCJoYXNoIjoiZmRiNDBiNDdlOTczZWRjOThkYTQ3ZTJkZjBkMDAwMDhmNTE3OTYxNSJ9/more-happier-very-first-episode-revisited.jpg?t=1740977398&size=Large)
More Happier: Very First Episode [Revisited]
22 February - 28 minsFor our 10th anniversary, we’re revisiting our very first episode of Happier. We discuss how the “one-minute rule” contributes to outer order and inner calm, the difference between a satisficer and a maximizer, and the one-coin loophole. Plus, for the first time, we give ourselves Demerits and Gold Stars.
Resources & Links Related to this episode:
One Minute Rule Are you a satisficer or a maximizer? Better than Before Get in touch: podcast@gretchenrubin.com
Visit Gretchen's website to learn more about Gretchen's best-selling books, products from The Happiness Project Collection, and the Happier app.
Find the transcript for this episode on the episode details page in the Apple Podc...

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