Graham and Nathan's Little Big Podcast
Graham and Nathan talk about their week and other stuff you probably don't care about. They also answer your emails, so ask them anything.

#206: We Have Some News
Sit down......Graham and Nathan have something to tell you
43 mins
22 September 2021 Finished

#205: The Car Part 2
The saga continues with Nathan's car journey but did he eventually find his "baby".
43 mins
16 September 2021 Finished

#204: The Car Part 1
This week Graham and Nathan discuss viewing a car. Was it a successful journey?
28 mins
9 September 2021 Finished

#203: Hot Blooded Men in my Bedroom
This week Nathan talks about people viewing his bedroom as he's leaving 'The Gated Community' and Graham no longer wants to be disrespected.
37 mins
2 September 2021 Finished

#202: Nathan Returns (The Curried Seagull)
This week Nathan is back and he speaks about his staycation in Ireland and how he celebrated his birthday.
33 mins
26 August 2021 Finished