Treating cancer as a chronic disease
6 August 2019 - 14 minsWhat if we managed cancer treatment like a chronic disease?
Bob A. Gatenby, chairman of the Department of Radiology at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Co-Director of the Cancer Biology and Evolution Program is on the program to discuss his work and a different approach to treating cancer.

Futureproof Extra: How The World's Oldest Trees Have Lived So Long
Here Jonathan McCrea speaks with Jared Farmer, historian, geohumanist and author of “Elderflora: A Modern History of Ancient Trees”, who studies landscapes and environments. Listen and subscribe to Futureproof with Jonathan McCrea on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'.
14 mins
28 February 2023 Finished

Why Are We So Obsessed With Measuring Time?
Now, while we may not be aware of it, each and every one of us is a slave to an unseen and unknowable master. It rules the sun and the earth, roving the cosmos with indifference - presiding over the birth and death of stars and galaxies and every living thing.It is Time. And, consequently, we have a long-standing obsession with measuring it. But just how far back does that obsession go? Chad Orzel, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Union College in Schenectady, NY, and author of ‘A Brief History of Timekeeping – The Science of Marking Time, from Stonehenge to Atomic Clocks’ joined Jonathan to discuss. Listen and subscribe to Futureproof with Jonathan McCrea on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'.
16 mins
8 February 2022 Finished

Why Do We Dream?
Now, when you lay your heads down to sleep at night, you might do so with the lingering hope that you’ll have sweet, and pleasant dreams. But so often dreams are bizarre and non-sensical, but why do we do it? What is it that causes us to hallucinate while unconscious? Is it some sort of biological inheritance that serves no function or are we being trained by our minds to expect anomaly and change? Erik Hoel is a neuroscientist, neuro-philosopher and author of the novel ‘The Revelations’. He joined Jonathan to discuss Dreams and how they are more than simply images that accost us when we go to sleep. He argues that dreams serve a much more important purpose than they have previously been credited with, not so much random images and scenarios but something else entirely. Listen and subscribe to Futureproof with Jonathan McCrea on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'. Photo by Merlin lightpainting from Pexels
18 mins
16 September 2021 Finished

Futureproof Extra: The Human Swarm
In the animal kingdom "Strangers are Danger!" So how is it then that humans are tolerant? How do we build a society where strangers feel safe among us and we among them? Well to answer those questions, Johnathan McCrea was joined by Mark Moffett - Research Biologist at the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian and the author of ‘The Human Swarm: How Our Societies Arise, Thrive, and Fall’ Listen and subscribe to Futureproof with Jonathan McCrea on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Download, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App. You can also listen to Newstalk live on newstalk.com or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'.
22 mins
3 August 2021 Finished

The Science of Race
Brad Pitt is white. Serena Williams is black. For better or worse we humans seem to have this compulsion to categorize ourselves in these terms But what, if any, merit do these categories of race have? Gavin Evans is the author of Skin Deep: Journeys in the Divisive Science of Race. H
7 September 2019 Finished