Get Dressed With Us in Paris and New York!
21 February - 14 minsA quick hello from the Dressed Universe! While we are still on our winter hiatus, we wanted to check in to invite you to get Dressed with us in Paris, New York and online...
We have amazing fashion history tours open for registration now: 3 days in New York City April 9th-11th (and because Day 1 sold out, we added an extra date April 16th) and a once-in-a-lifetime 7 day tour of Paris June 29-July 6th.
Head over to dressedhistory.com for the detailed itineraries and also to register for our upcoming online classes.
Want more Dressed: The History of Fashion? Our website and classesOur InstagramOur bookshelf with over 150 of our favorite fashion history titlesListen ad free here!
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Ballerina: Fashion's Modern Muse, an interview with Patricia Mears (Dressed Classic)
53 mins
5 March Finished

Advanced Style, Part II: Meet the Models and Muses (Dressed Classic)
1 hour 24 mins
28 February Finished

Advanced Style, Part I: An Interview with Ari Seth Cohen (Dressed Classic)
39 mins
26 February Finished

Dress Like an Egyptian, an interview with Dr. Colleen Darnell (Dressed Classic)
45 mins
19 February Finished