my severe oral fixation [video]
9 March - 53 mins[video available on spotify] quitting nicotine has made me realize just how intense my oral fixation is - i might have the worst one i’ve ever seen. so today, i thought it’d be fun to go through every single oral fixation i’ve had throughout my life and break them down with you.
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my daily routine, explained (again) [video]
[video available on spotify] about two years ago, i made an episode where i explained my daily routine. my routine has changed a bit and i think it’s time to do it again. so today, i’m going to share my current routine in unnecessary detail. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1 hour 8 mins
13 March Finished
the psychology of the pixie haircut [video]
[video available on spotify] a few months ago, i cut my hair really, really short - shorter than i ever have before. since then, one of my favorite topics of conversation has been my haircut. but unfortunately, i don’t get to talk about it that much. today i’m going to let myself indulge. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
54 mins
6 March Finished
faking orgasms, advice session [video]
[video available on spotify] hello and welcome back to advice session, a series here on anything goes where you send in your current dilemmas or anything that you want advice on, and i give you my unprofessional advice. and today's topic is sex. which means if you're one of my family members, turn this off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
52 mins
2 March Finished
finding something nice to say about things i hate [video]
[video available on spotify] in the last episode, we discussed how sometimes i can be a little bit of a hater. so today i had an idea to retrain my brain - find things that i hate unfairly, and then find something nice to say about them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1 hour 12 mins
27 February Finished
how to stop being a hater
[video available on spotify] i'm a closeted hater. no one knows how much of a hater i am. in fact, the majority of the hating goes on in the privacy of my own mind, and no one even knows it's happening. it's starting to bum me out, and it's just not a good head space to exist in. so i've decided that today, i'm gonna go on the internet, and i'm gonna figure out how to stop being a hater. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1 hour 5 mins
23 February Finished